doesn't this photo (leo patrone for kinfolk) make you want to throw a party and invite all your favorite people? guess what y'all, there's an excuse for that this week and it's called thanksgiving.
i hope you all have a wonderful day of feasting (even if you're not in the states and you just want to set aside a day to see family, eat well and give thanks)! it's amazing how many things i can find to be thankful for when i actually look outside of myself and the things i find daily to be discontent about. i have a roof over my head, a wonderful husband, a craft i can really find joy in and wonderful people who are kind enough to call me sister and friend. God is so good!
happy thanksgiving!
mantap sob infonya dan salam kenal
ok mantap mas infonya dan salam sukses selalu
bagus gan artikelnya dan menarik
makasih gan buat infonya dan semoga bermanfaat
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